In 2011, during a regular mammogram, they found a Fibroadenoma in my right breast. A fibroadenoma is a painless, unilateral, benign breast tumor.
They said it's pretty common and not something I need to do anything about. A mammogram was recommended the following year to monitor it.
If there were no changes in the Fibroadenoma, I'd go back to every two years. My last Mammogram was in 2018, pre-pandemic, with no changes.
My next mammogram was scheduled for Spring 2020 but was put on hold since everything was shut down and canceled.
After earning my Aromatherapy Certification (2018), I created a breast massage oil and learned to do breast lymphatic massaging, which I've done 3+ times a week since.
In the spring of (2024), I had my first mammogram since 2018, and the test showed the Fibroadenoma had shrunk from 11mm to 8mm. Yippee!!! 😍
At the same time, I had a sonogram for a closer look, and the tech said she could not find any lymph nodes around my armpit and breast. That was exciting news.
I always felt that doing this breast lymphatic massage self-care practice was making an improvement in my breast tissue, but now it has been proven.
Lymphatic Breast Massage Works!
This was exciting news, and it confirmed that even when we can not see the improvements within our bodies with our self-care practices, it doesn't mean they aren't happening!