Hello, I'm Susie! I know what it’s like to live with 
chronic pain and the limitations it can have.

Yet, I believe simple daily choices can banish pain, 
balance the mind, and boost energy!

Grab a copy of the ~ Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to 
Banish Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy 

My Story

One morning in 2000, I opened my eyes and saw my curled-up hand on the pillow beside my face. I couldn’t open my fingers, then developed debilitating pain in my hands and feet that spread and worsened over the next few months until I could barely stand up from a chair or raise my arms above my head. Scared and in constant pain, I went from doctor to doctor without answers. 

Eighteen months later, I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). I started the traditional medicine route and felt better for a while, but my right knee kept me awake at night, and I could only take stairs one step at a time. I had constant flare-ups and endless pain.

My intuition told me I would continue to worsen if I didn’t do something different. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but I did know I had been on heavy-duty medication for five years already, and I wasn't getting any better. In fact, I was getting worse. Plus, I didn't want to depend on medication to get through the day or keep listening to people tell me there was nothing I could do to improve the RA – besides take more medication.

When I began my health journey, I discovered many beneficial alternatives, such as mind/body awareness, energy medicine, food choices, and essential oils. When I eliminated dairy, my flare-ups stopped. In one month of daily energy work, I could easily walk up and down stairs again. 

My life could have been different today if I hadn’t listened to my intuition. I now go on frequent walks and do simple daily low-impact exercises. Plus, I have the energy to run this Bloom Autoimmune Mentoring business to help other women feel better in their bodies. 

I’m glad I didn’t listen to people who said I couldn’t do anything to improve the RA ~ Because I did improve the RA. I now live a fuller life with less pain and more energy.

With Love, Susie ∞

I have a management and teaching background in the health and beauty field. I’m certified in Trauma Energetic Healing, Energy Medicine, Functional Nutrition, Aromatherapy, and personal experience.

Read my whole story in Beyond Conditioning: Living Life on Your Terms - Amazon bestselling book! 

All proceeds go to the charity RizeUp for domestic violence.

8 Authors share their incredible journeys of moving 
Beyond the Conditioning they grew up with.

Companion 42 Card Deck (valued at 38.00)
Ask me how you can get the card deck!

Grab a copy of the ~ Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to 
Banish Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy 

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