Food and Drink Choices
Nourish Your Body and Mind with Food
When you make a conscious choice to improve and maintain your health, it starts with how you nourish your body. Making new, simple daily choices on what foods and drinks you put into your body will help you maintain your health and help to feel better in your body.
“Treat your body like a temple, not a woodshed.”
~ Jim Rohn
Going from the Standard American Diet, which is full of sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, GMOs, preservatives, and overprocessed foods - to making new food and drink choices, like dairy-free, grain-free, and gluten-free, can significantly improve how you feel in your body and mind.
By choosing different foods, you can reduce pain and boost energy!
Start your health journey with something simple: drink more water. Have a look at this helpful post ~ Dos & Don’ts of Everyday Drinking Water