Have you ever wanted to drink more water daily?

So, continually fill up a mega tumbler and carry it around with you all day. 

Only to end up running to the bathroom every 30 minutes? That's no fun, right? 

It's easy to want to go all in when we start a new wellness practice to see and feel the benefits immediately.

I did this when I started my health journey to improve my autoimmune symptoms.

But, I discovered that too much of anything at once could cause more problems, which is never helpful, especially when trying to feel better. 
Plus, when we try to go too fast, the chances of giving up before it becomes a new health habit are much higher.

So, what's the best way to start drinking more water?

Sneak Peek of What's Inside
  • Here’s a Quick List
  • Our Body of Water
  • What is Dehydration? 
  • How Much Water to Drink in a Day? 
  • Health Benefits of Drinking Water 
  • Drinking Water Dos and Don’ts
  • What’s Next?

When I first started my health journey, Everyday Drinking Water was on my list of better food choices. I wanted to make sure I was only putting the best food and water into my body!

As Jim Rohn said:

“Treat your body like a temple, NOT a woodshed!”

I took these words to heart! I knew if I was going to improve my health and feel physically better, I needed to be mindful of everything that crossed my lips and ended up in my body! drink more water

So, I began researching water and found that there are many choices when it comes to everyday drinking water!

Here’s a Quick List

  • Alkaline Water

  • Bottled Water

  • Coconut Water

  • Distilled Water

  • Reverse Osmosis Water

  • Sparkling Water

  • Spring Water

  • Tap Water

Who knew there were so many choices? drink more water 

When choosing the best type of everyday drinking water, you want to aim for pH balance.

Distilled water is too acidic, and alkaline water is too alkaline

An ideal pH of your water should be between 6.5 to 7.5, which is neutral. 

Bonus ~ Grab the Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to Lessen Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy as a gift for joining the Bloom Autoimmune Community. Go from miserable with autoimmune to Embracing Wellness and Enjoying Life Again. Start your wellness journey today! 

Our Body of Water

The majority of the body is made up of water, with up to 75% of the body's weight due to H2O. Most of the water is found within the cells of the body. The rest is found in the blood vessels and the spaces between cells. Without water, we would not live for very long before dehydration would set in.

What is Dehydration? 

Dehydration occurs when the amount of water leaving the body is greater than the amount being taken in. The body is very dynamic and always changing. This is especially true with water levels in the body. 

We lose water routinely when we:

  • Breathe, and humidified air leaves the body

  • When we sweat to cool the body after exertion

  • Urinate or have a bowel movement to rid the body of waste products drink more water

On an average day, a person needs to drink a significant amount of water to replace this routine loss.

How Much Water to Drink in a Day? 

At the end of the day, no one can tell you exactly how much water you need. This will depend on your ~ Age, Weight, and Overall Health.

Try experimenting to see what works best for you. If you don't drink much water now, start with one 6 to 8-oz glass a day for a week and increase it by 2 to 4 oz a week until you find what works best for you. 

Some people may function better with more water than usual, while for others, it only results in more frequent trips to the bathroom. Ugg.

If you want to keep things simple, follow these guidelines ~

  1. Drink room-temperature water throughout the day to stay hydrated.

  2. Decrease water intake when you start running to the bathroom every thirty minutes.

  3. During high heat, exercise, and illness, make sure to drink enough water to compensate for the lost fluids.

  4. There you go, simple, right?

This should work for the majority of people. 

Note: For those of us living with an autoimmune condition and on medication, we want to drink more water to help flush the liver and kidneys so that they can perform at their best! 

Bonus ~ Grab the Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to Lessen Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy as a gift for joining the Bloom Autoimmune Community. Go from miserable with autoimmune to Embracing Wellness and Enjoying Life Again. Start your wellness journey today! 

Health Benefits of Drinking Water 

  • Lubricates joints

  • Delivers oxygen throughout the body

  • Boosts skin health and beauty

  • Cushions the brain, spinal cord, and other sensitive tissues

  • The digestive system depends on it

  • Flushes body waste

  • Prevents kidney damage

  • Boosts performance during exercise

  • Good for Weight loss

  • Reduces the chance of a hangover – Bonus! 😉

*Disclosure:  This post may contain affiliate links.

Drinking Water Dos and Don’ts

Alkaline Water 

Normal drinking water generally has a neutral pH of 7. Alkaline water typically has a pH of 8 or 9.
Your body is not designed to drink alkaline water alone. If you drink too much, it can disrupt the acid production in your stomach, resulting in indigestion, GERD, or stomach ulcers.

Other risks include vulnerability to bacterial overgrowth and other germs, which can cause infection in your small intestine (SIBO). Your body may also have difficulty digesting and absorbing nutrients. 

~Don’t - drink alkaline water every day.

Bottled Water 

It is everywhere, and there are a lot of choices. There are different stories out there about some bottled water is just tap water??? 

Plus, most plastic bottles can leach into your water, and no one needs plastic in their diet, right?
You can buy a glass water bottle and fill it with filtered water. That way, you'll always know what you're drinking. 

And why pay for water when you can filter your own?

There are several affordable options when it comes to a home filtration system. However, sometimes our only option is bottled water in plastic, but there are some better choices than others. 

Go HERE for more information on bottled water. 

+Do - Buy a glass water bottle and fill it with filtered water!

Coconut Water 

Coconut water is slightly sweet with a subtle, nutty flavor. It's also fairly low in calories and carbs. It’s delicious, nutritious, and a natural beverage that’s extremely good for you. 
It may benefit your heart, blood sugar, and kidney health.

Water is freshest when it comes directly from the coconut. To start drinking, simply press a straw into the soft part of a green coconut. 

Store the coconut in your refrigerator and consume it within two to three weeks of purchase.

You can also buy bottled coconut water at most health food stores. However, be sure to read the ingredients to verify you're getting 100% coconut water. Some bottled brands contain added sugar or flavoring agents. And no one needs extra sugar, right?

+Do - Drink Coconut water and enjoy every day!

Distilled Water 

Distilled water is a type of purified water that removes contaminants and minerals. Since distilled water doesn’t contain its own minerals, it has a tendency to pull them from whatever it touches to maintain a balance. 

So, when you drink distilled water, it may pull small amounts of minerals from your body, including from your teeth. Depending on where you live, distilled water could be better for you than tap water. 

If your town’s water is tainted with harmful chemicals or pesticides, you’re safer drinking distilled or bottled water. I recommend using mineral drops in distilled water.

- Don’t - drink distilled water every day unless add mineral drops.

Reverse Osmosis Water (RO)

Reverse Osmosis is a type of filtration process. The water machines in health food stores typically produce reverse osmosis water. However, going to the store to buy your water can be, well a hassle right? 

I highly recommend a countertop unit called AquaTru. It filters tap water into RO water and is so convenient!

Keep in mind that reverse osmosis systems have no way to differentiate between “bad” ingredients and good ones.
While harmful contaminants are being removed, the trace minerals that our bodies need to perform their best, like iron and manganese, are also being removed. Therefore, you'll want to use mineral drops in reverse osmosis water.

+Do - re-mineral reverse osmosis water and drink every day.

Sparkling Water drink more water

Sparkling water is water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. 
Known as Carbonated water. Carbonation produces a bubbly drink. 

Here are a few options ~ 

  • Sparkling water
  • Club soda
  • Soda water
  • Seltzer water
  • and Fizzy water
With the exception of seltzer water, carbonated waters usually have salt added to improve the taste. 
Sometimes, small amounts of other minerals are included, too.

Natural sparkling mineral waters are different. These waters are captured from a mineral spring and tend to contain minerals and sulfur compounds. These waters are often carbonated as well.

+Do - Enjoy sparkling water.

Spring Water 

Mountain spring water is some of the healthiest water on the planet because it is "living water." 
Living water, like "living" food, is in its raw, natural state, as nature intended.

The best source of natural spring water is from a natural spring.
But there are some good spring water choices at your local health food store too.

+Do - Spring water is a great choice for everyday drinking water.

Tap Water 

The tap water we drink, cook with, and bathe in typically comes from surface water sources like:

  • Streams

  • Rivers

  • Lakes

  • and Reservoirs
Or from underground sources like aquifers or permeable rocks that can store and transmit water.

A range of dangerous pollutants has been found in this water, including:

  •  Bacteria like E. coli

  • Toxic algae

  • Lead

  • Sulfur

  • Excess iron

....and general dirt and grit, which is known to lead to a host of health issues.
From gastrointestinal problems to neurological disorders, as well as reproductive issues. 

Tap water contains, Fluoride and other chemicals we don’t want to be ingesting. Unlike other chemicals monitored by water systems, fluoride is intentionally added to drinking water.

Even though research clearly shows that fluoride is most effective when used topically in toothpaste and not ingested. 

Luckily, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a variety of programs and searchable maps that make checking the contaminants in your water simple.

~DON’T drink tap water.

What's Next?

Running can be a great way to get in some extra exercise. But running to the bathroom every 30 minutes from too much water won't get you the kind of results you want!

Be mindful of what type of water you are putting in your body. Remember to start slow and build up to what works best for you.

What's your favorite everyday drinking water? Leave a comment below, and let's chat!

Here’s to Clean Everyday Drinking Water!


P.S. Do you want or need to go dairy-free? Have a look at this helpful post ~

Dairy-Free? Advantages of Coconut as a New Delicious Alternative

Before you Go ~ 
Grab the Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to Lessen Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy as a gift for joining the Bloom Autoimmune Community. Go from miserable with autoimmune to Embracing Wellness and Enjoying Life Again. Start your wellness journey today! 

Disclaimer: Always check in with your instincts, higher self, and healthcare provider before starting new health practices. Understand we are not offering any medical advice. We do not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. We can't promise that any natural remedy will solve a particular health, skin, or mental issue. Any reliance on such information is strictly at your discretion.
Disclosure: Bloom Autoimmune Mentoring LLC participates in a few affiliate programs. If you click a link and make a purchase, we may receive an affiliate commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for being supportive of small businesses. 


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