No one escapes childhood without some form of trauma. Most of us don't even know that the unpleasant memory that has been in our minds for most of our lives is a trauma, even if it seems small and insignificant.
These trauma energies live in the body and form patterns to protest us as children, but these patterns can cause unnecessary conflicts as adults.
Trauma stays stuck in the body because it was never fully processed and released. Old trauma(s) can trigger a fight, flight, or freeze response, which can affect your overall health and emotional well-being.
With somatic trauma healing, tapping, and other mind~body awareness techniques, you can discover where the trauma energy is in the body and finally allow it to move and be released.
Doing this helps re-balance your energy system and calms the mind in the ebbs & flows of life with an autoimmune/health condition.
To find your inner balance again. Look at this encouraging post ~