Discover Forgiveness and Love For Yourself and Others With Five Courageous Steps

Have you ever had any of these thoughts?

  • Why did they betray my trust?

  • Why did I say or do those things? I could have said I was sorry.

  • You broke my heart into a million pieces. How could you be so cold?
I’ve been there, too! Ugg.

When I trusted another person, but they let me down in a big way.

I said or did things that hurt others. I wish I could rewind and do things differently.

I was hurt in such a devastating way that my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Man, it’s the worst feeling when you can’t stop crying. It feels like your whole body is in a constant state of quivering, and it just won’t stop. 

Or, you feel so heavy and burdened by the experience that it's hard to move past the disappointments, hurt, and anger and move forward. So, we stay in our hurt and let it control us.

Sometimes, staying in our hurt feels like –

“If I continue to stay in the hurt, they will see that they were wrong for doing what they did to me. And will come crawling back to beg for my forgiveness.” (If only that were true.)

Then, when you see this is not going to happen, that’s when you get angry. Gurr…  It is sooo easy to blame them for everything.


               Sneak Peek of What's Inside                        

  • The Best Way to Move on...
  • Our Minds are Cause our Suffering 
  • 5 steps to Forgiveness and Love
  • 1. Draw a line down a page: Forgiveness and Love
  • 2. Ho’oponopono Forgiveness and Love 
  • 3. Write a letter Forgiveness and Love
  • 4. Meditate Forgiveness and Love 
  • 5. Journal Forgiveness and Love
                5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love

The best way to move on from disappointment, hurt, & anger is forgiveness.

This may be hard to accept, and you may be thinking ~ (I know I did!)

“Why should I forgive them??? They hurt me!”
I get it! Forgiveness is the last thing on your mind when someone has hurt you and is one of the hardest things to do.

But you only hurt yourself when you don’t learn to forgive and let go of the experience.

When you hold on to it, you generate all kinds of negative energy that keeps it locked and alive in your body~mind.
Bonus ~ Grab the Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to Banish Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy as a gift for joining the Blooming Autoimmune Community. Go from being miserable with autoimmune dis-ease - to - Embrace Wellness and Enjoy Life Again. Start your wellness journey today!

Our Minds are Causing Our Suffering ~ Let that sink in

It does, however, take time to process everything. So be patient and gentle with yourself and feel whatever you need to feel. That way, the energy is allowed to move and be released. Forgiveness and Love
Sometimes, it’s not just about forgiving the person or situation. It can be about forgiving yourself for your part in the hurtful situation.

Again, I get it! It’s so hard to see your part and take any responsibility. When it was that person who hurt you, right?

Unfortunately, we usually (not always) have some responsibility, even though we may not see it at the time.

For me, most of the time, I didn’t stand up for myself, and I allowed the other person’s behavior to continue to hurt me. 

Sometimes, I've held on to my disappointment, hurt, or anger so tightly that I let it take over my mind.

So, I had a choice! Hold on to IT, or learn to let go and move forward with forgiveness and love! 

You have the same choice!

Believe me, I know this sounds impossible when you are in so much pain. However, it’s not the actions you forgive. 

It’s about finding forgiveness for the person, yourself, and the experience. It’s about letting go of what is no longer happening and moving forward


5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love

5 steps to Forgiveness and Love

Try one or all of these practices to find what works best for you. Then, pick two or more and make them a new go-to habit for your forgiveness and love routine

The 5-Steps are:

  1. Draw a line on a page

  2. Ho’oponopono

  3. Write a letter

  4. Meditate

  5. Journal

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1. Draw a line down a page Forgiveness and Love

This idea came from Rhonda Britten, author of – Change Your Life in 30 Days & Fearless Living.

  • You only need a piece of paper and a pen. Now, draw a line down the middle of the page. 

  • On the top left side of the page, write the name of the person who hurt you, then write your name on the top right.

  • Under their name, write what it was they did that hurt you. Write all the details you want, or keep it short.

  • Then, on the left side of the page, under your name, write - I'm willing to forgive you.

    Here’s an example:

        –Their name here–                 –Your name here–   

          You left me without a word   –   I’m willing to forgive you
    What you said hurt me deeply    –   I’m willing to forgive you
       Why did you betray my trust   –   I’m willing to forgive you
    And so on…

    This practice is even more powerful if you say it aloud while writing. Let yourself feel whatever you need to feel. It will help you release those unpleasant feelings and allow the energy to move.

    2. Ho’oponopono Forgiveness and Love 

The Hawaiian mystical philosophy of Ho’oponopono shows us the powerful use of apology, forgiveness, and love in a spiritual context.

“Ho’oponopono is said on behalf of herself and all creation, seeing and understanding all life’s interconnectedness. 

Whenever she feels even a tiny twinge of fear or discomfort, she can use these four statements to restore her sanity and peace.

Therefore, she takes complete responsibility for everything happening in her life. She apologizes then asks for forgiveness, thanks, and love for herself, the other person, and the Whole.”

Based on ancient Hawaiian wisdom, they use these four statements to cleanse and heal our collective minds continually. Forgiveness and Love

I’m sorry

Please forgive me

Thank you

I love you

Think about the person or experience that caused you hurt. Then, repeat these four phrases until you feel a release from your mind and body.

You can do this exercise at any time throughout the day as needed. Plus, you can print a copy and put it by your desk, hang it on the frig., bathroom mirror, anywhere and everywhere you will see it, as a reminder to forgive and love!

3. Write a letter Forgiveness and Love

Writing down your thoughts and feelings is a great practice when you have so much stuff in your head. Start writing, and don’t worry about grammar. 

Write down everything you feel, write and write, and let it all out. This helps release those tormenting thoughts in your mind. 

“Whatever hurt you is not happening anymore.

You don’t need to send it. Forgiveness and Love

Once you are done writing everything down, you can burn it. 

When you write it all down, it helps to release the gunk from your mind and body. 

Then, when you burn it, you’ve released it again into thin air.  

4. Meditate Forgiveness and Love 

Meditation is a great practice to start. It helps by getting you back into your body and grounding you. Meditating will help release negative trapped energy inside your body and can help quiet your mind.

Benefits of Meditation Forgiveness and Love

  • Helps to release disappointment, hurt, & anger 
  • Can relieve daily stresses
  • Helps with physical pain
  • Calms emotional pain
  • It helps find forgiveness and love
  • Can lower blood pressure
  • Get a deeper, more restful sleep
  • Connect with spirit/higher self

Meditating is a learned skill that we can all develop. So make sure you give it a chance. Try it for at least a month or longer to hone this new practice and find what works best for you.

Meditating will clear your mind, so you can go deep into releasing new & old negative energy and those tormenting thoughts from your mind. 

For more information about meditation, check out this post!

How to Meditate Well: Prepare Your Mind for the Best Results

5. Journal Forgiveness and Love

Journaling is a great way to let it all out. It’s an ongoing letter to release, forgive, and love. When you journal, you can recreate your story by changing what’s inside you and how you think and feel about what happened.

It’s not about changing that person or the experience.

5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love 

Rewriting your story will be liberating! 

Here are two examples: Forgiveness and Love

  1. “They forgot her birthday, which hurts her and makes her feel like she's not loved.”

Rewrite this statement to show forgiveness and love.

  1. “This person she loves forgot her birthday. I wonder if something stressful is going on that made them forget?”
In the first statement, she feels sad or mad that they forgot.

The second statement she could be thinking - "When they start forgetting things, they are usually stressed or bothered by something."
So now she feels concerned and wonders what may be stressing or bothering them.

OR try this one Forgiveness and Love

  1. When she shares her good news – “They say and do mean things to her, which hurts her or makes her mad.”
Rewrite this statement to show forgiveness and love.

  1. “They may be feeling insecure, angry, or lonely. And when she shared her good news, it triggered them, so they lashed out at her again.”
In the first statement, she feels hurt and angry that this person is always saying mean things and lashing out at her.

The second statement shows that she knows they are always doing this to her because they are sensitive and usually speak before they think.

Acknowledging this will help her let it go because she will realize it is not about her. It’s genuinely about them.

You get the idea! Forgiveness and Love

Life continually gives us unpleasant experiences that we need to work through and overcome, big and small. We all do the best we can, but sometimes we get the brunt of someone else’s insecurities, faults, meanness, whatever it is.

Remember, forgiveness isn’t always about someone else. Sometimes, we need to forgive ourselves too. 

For not following through, not loving yourself, not taking care of yourself, or beating yourself up with your words. 


“It’s not what happens to you in life. It’s how you respond to it!”


The 5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love are not a one-time fix-it-all event. 

So, whenever you feel stressed, sad, hurt, angry, or disappointed, use these practices to move the stuck energy and release it so you can return to the present moment. 

It’s all you have, so why not enjoy it?

Here’s to 5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love!

Susie ∞  

P.S. Give the 5-Steps to Forgiveness and Love a try for all of your past, present, and future ordeals. Comment below and let me know what worked best for you!

Before you Go ~ Grab the Autoimmune Relief Bundle: 5 Simple Practices to Banish Pain, Balance the Mind, and Boost Energy as a gift for joining the Bloom Autoimmune Community. Go
from being miserable with autoimmune dis-ease to  Embrace Wellness and Enjoy Life Again. Start your wellness journey today!

Disclaimer: Always check in with your instincts, higher self, and healthcare provider before starting new health practices. Understand we are not offering any medical advice. We do not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure anything. We can't promise that any natural remedy will solve a particular health, skin, or mental issue. Any reliance on such information is strictly at your discretion.

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